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Yes, because it is not necessary to break glucose down because it is already in its simplest state(besides its chemical composition), where as starch is a combination of three glucose molecules and needs to be digested.

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11y ago

because it gives energy supply and also to reduce the stress. It is easily digested and quickly absorbed by the blood.

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Q: Why can an athlete obtain more energy more quickly by eating glucose rather than starch?
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In what form do animals bodies store extra glucose?

Animals store extra glucose in their cells. That way, it is available to be called upon quickly as needed for extra energy. If you go for an extraordinarily long time without eating, these stores are quickly depleted, resulting in a loss of energy and weakness.

Which food gives us energy quickly?

Foods high in simple carbohydrates such as fruits, honey, and energy bars can provide a quick source of energy as they are easily broken down into glucose for immediate use by the body. Drinking a sports drink or consuming foods rich in fast-digesting carbohydrates can also provide a rapid energy boost.

Why athletes take glucose tablets before their race?

Sugar = Energy

Why is glucose given to a sportsman?

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Which molecule provides quick energy?

Glucose is a molecule that provides quick energy for the body. It is readily available in the bloodstream and can be quickly broken down in cells to produce energy through processes like glycolysis.

Where does the glucose in animal cells ocme from?

Animals get the glucose in their cells through plants. They obtain the glucose by eating the plants and absorbing their glucose and energy.

Is energy from glucose released slowly or quickly?

Slowly by cellular respiration, quickly by combustion (burning).

What energy does the body store from eating food?

The body uses glucose as energy. Excess glucose is stored as fat (in animals) and as starch (in plants).

What would you eat if you wanted to get a lot of energy very quickly?


What is more sensible to have at a start of a race a drink of glucose or a slice of bread?

Glucose because the glucose drink releases its energy quickly (needed for a race) whereas the bread releases its energy slowly.

What is a form of carbohydrate that can be quickly changed into energy?

Glucose. Study cellular respiration.

Where do cyclists get their energy from?

People say that they get there energy from the glucose that is from the sports drink and health food they have been eating and drinking.