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Depends on how thick the lead is, but beta particles in general don't travel all that far. Of the three types of radiation, gamma (high energy photons) penetrate the most, alpha (helium nuclei) the least, and beta (electrons or positrons) somewhere in the middle. Since most lead jackets stop gamma you can be pretty sure that the lead jackets they use around x-ray machines will stop beta particles.

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1w ago

Beta particles are fast-moving electrons and gamma rays are high-energy photons. They can pass through paper because the paper is not dense enough to stop or absorb them. Lead, however, is more dense and offers more resistance, so it can only partially block or absorb these particles.

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14y ago

Basically, beta particles and gamma rays can pass through paper and lead because they have the energy to do so. Beta particles (electrons or positrons) appear as a result of changes in atomic nuclei, and they leave the event with considerable energy. They can travel some distance, and have some penetrating power. A piece of paper near the radioactive source producing the beta particles will not stop many of those particles because they have fairly high energies.

Gamma rays are high energy electromagnetic radiation. They are like visible light, but of a much higher frequency (and energy). Gamma rays will slice through most materials, and only substances with a high density (like lead) will be effective in stopping them. Gamma rays, like beta particles, are produced by changes in atomic nuclei, and they appear with considerable energies.

More information about beta particles and gamma rays can be discovered by using the links below to the related questions.

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13y ago

yes, it will stop but it should be at least 1cm thickness.

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Q: Why can beta particles and gamma rays pass through paper and lead?
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How does the penetrating ability of gamma rays compare with that of alpha particles and beta particles?

Gamma rays have higher penetrating ability compared to alpha and beta particles. Gamma rays can penetrate through most materials, while alpha particles can be stopped by a sheet of paper and beta particles by a few millimeters of aluminum.

How would you list alpha partcles beta particles and gamma rays in order of increasing penetrating power?

In order of increasing penetrating power: gamma rays, beta particles, alpha particles. Gamma rays have the highest penetrating power due to their high energy and ability to pass through materials easily. Beta particles can penetrate materials to a certain depth, while alpha particles have the least penetrating power and can be stopped by a sheet of paper or human skin.

What are the components of natural radiation in order from least to most penetrating?

The components of natural radiation in order from least to most penetrating are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles are the least penetrating and can be stopped by a piece of paper, beta particles can penetrate through skin but can be stopped by thin aluminum or plastic, while gamma rays are the most penetrating and require dense materials like lead or concrete to shield against them.

Define the three types of Radiation alpha particles beta particles gamma particles and list the name of the scientist who discovered it?

Alpha particles: consists of two protons and two neutrons, has low penetration power. Beta particles: high-speed electrons or positrons, moderate to high penetration power. Gamma particles: electromagnetic radiation, high penetration power. Alpha particles were discovered by Ernest Rutherford. Beta particles were discovered by Henri Becquerel. Gamma particles were discovered by Paul Villard.

What ype of radiation ionzing is less penetrating?

Alpha radiation is less penetrating than beta or gamma radiation. Alpha particles can be stopped by a piece of paper or human skin, whereas beta particles can penetrate through skin and gamma rays can penetrate much deeper into the body.

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How does the penetrating ability of gamma rays compare with that of alpha particles and beta particles?

Gamma rays have higher penetrating ability compared to alpha and beta particles. Gamma rays can penetrate through most materials, while alpha particles can be stopped by a sheet of paper and beta particles by a few millimeters of aluminum.

How would you list alpha partcles beta particles and gamma rays in order of increasing penetrating power?

In order of increasing penetrating power: gamma rays, beta particles, alpha particles. Gamma rays have the highest penetrating power due to their high energy and ability to pass through materials easily. Beta particles can penetrate materials to a certain depth, while alpha particles have the least penetrating power and can be stopped by a sheet of paper or human skin.

What are the components of natural radiation in order from least to most penetrating?

The components of natural radiation in order from least to most penetrating are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles are the least penetrating and can be stopped by a piece of paper, beta particles can penetrate through skin but can be stopped by thin aluminum or plastic, while gamma rays are the most penetrating and require dense materials like lead or concrete to shield against them.

Explain why beta and gamma particles can easily enter your body?

Beta particles are very small and gamma rays are insubstantial so they can easily pass between or through the atoms of your skin and into your body.

Which radioactive particle can be stopped by a regular sheet of notebook paper?

Alpha. Beta particles are blocked by a few mm of aluminum and gamma by a few cm of lead. Alpha. Beta particles are blocked by a few mm of aluminum and gamma by a few cm of lead.

How would you list alpha particles beta particles and gamma rays in order of increasing energy?

Alpha, beta, gamma.

Define the three types of Radiation alpha particles beta particles gamma particles and list the name of the scientist who discovered it?

Alpha particles: consists of two protons and two neutrons, has low penetration power. Beta particles: high-speed electrons or positrons, moderate to high penetration power. Gamma particles: electromagnetic radiation, high penetration power. Alpha particles were discovered by Ernest Rutherford. Beta particles were discovered by Henri Becquerel. Gamma particles were discovered by Paul Villard.

Can paper shield beta particles?

Beta particles are not stopped by a paper sheet.

Nuclear radiation ranked from the greatest mass to the least mass is a- Xray gamma ray beta particle b- Xray beta particle gamma ray c- Alpha particle beta particle gamma ray d Beta alpha gamma?

The correct order is c) Alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray. Alpha particles have the greatest mass, followed by beta particles, and then gamma rays which have no mass.

What are the 3 particles of radiation?

Alpha, Beta and Gamma

What are 3 kinds of radiation given off by radioactive substances?

The three types of radiation given off by radioactive substances are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles are the least penetrating, beta particles are more penetrating than alpha particles, and gamma rays are the most penetrating and dangerous type of radiation.

Three products of radioactive decay from most penetrating to least?

Gamma rays: Highly penetrating electromagnetic radiation that can travel long distances through materials. Beta particles: High-speed electrons or positrons that can penetrate a few millimeters of material. Alpha particles: Heavier particles consisting of two protons and two neutrons, which are stopped by a few centimeters of air or a piece of paper.