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There is no curcuit for the bird to get zapped. In order to create a curcuit the live wire has to be "earthed". This cam be done if the bird gets in conatact with another wire, the voltage will create a curcuit which creates a strong electrical current (at 2300v!) which goes straight through the bird and fries it!

What you may have noticed however; is that bats can get fried, they usually hang upside down on one wire and the wind blows them into cantact with the other wire.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Generally birds are only in contact with one line when perched (incomplete circuit). If they were to be in contact with two separate lines at the same time, there would be a complete circuit consequently sending the volts through the birds and killing them.

Generally birds are only in contact with one line when perched (incomplete circuit). If they were to be in contact with two separate lines at the same time, there would be a complete circuit consequently sending the volts through the birds and killing them.

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15y ago

They aren't injured, the same way you aren't injured if you touch an electric while wearing rubber shoes. The birds aren't grounded... currents are always trying to get to the earth, so not being grounded just allows the current to go through their body without harming you.

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14y ago
Question of the week: Why don't birds get shocked when they sit on high voltage lines?When they are only in contact with one power line, they are not forming a complete circuit, so the electricity does not flow through them. Some larger birds, like hawks and eagles, have been electrocuted when they stretch their wings into another power line, completing the ciruit.
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13y ago

The bird is only touching one conductor (wire).

It would need to touch two conductors of opposite polarity to get electrocuted. This is why large power lines have the conductors mounted far apart.

Another way to get electrocuted is to touch a conductor while being in contact with the ground. The Earth can actually complete a circuit and allow the electricity to flow.

A person should never touch a power line, leave it to the professionals.

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11y ago

Birds perch on the live wire because if they don't touch another wire they are insulated and do not get electrocuted.

But still a small electric current is flowing up their legs because they posses capacitance. The current is small, so they don't feel it.

Birds seem to perch on wires up to 11 kV, but above that voltage they don't because there is too much current and it's painful for them. With high voltages they can also sense the 'buzzing' on their feathers from the high electric field as they get close, so they obviously don't hang around.

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12y ago

because there is no connection with the ground so it cannot pass from the electric to ground

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13y ago

They can sit on the wire because they are not grounded. Current will only flow where it has a path to ground.

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11y ago

They are not grounded or they touch only one wire, thus no current flow through 'em.

Phrased another way, "It ain't the Volts that kills ya' … it's them damned Amps (current)

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Why can birds sit on power lines without being shocked?

The short answer is they are not grounded. You can hang from a line also and not be harmed, but don't try it as if you do it wrong you can be severely hurt or killed. So what does "they are not grounded" mean? Electric current flows from high voltage to low voltage. The power line is high voltage. The earth, or ground, is low voltage. Anything in contact with the earth is also at the same low voltage. That is why there are insulators between the lines and the poles. The higher voltage the lines, the bigger the insulators. You can see this for yourself by looking at a high voltage tower versus a typical wooden power poll. When the bird lands on the line, it is only in contact with the line. There is no path to the lower voltage ground for the electrical current to flow thorugh. No current flow means no harm to the bird. People get into to trouble with power lines because they are almost always in contact with the pole or the ground when they, or something they are holding, touch the line, which means the current flows through them to the lower voltage. Note that the lower voltage does not have to be zero volts. It just has to be lower than the high voltage for the current to flow. It is not the voltage that kills you. It is the combination of voltage and current. No current or low current, no harm. When you scoot your feet on the carpet on a dry day and touch the door knob, a spark jumps and you feel a small snap. Your skin is charged up to 10's of thousands of volts, but there is very little current flow, so no harm is done. Hope this helps.

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