

Why can conductors conduct electricity?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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Conductors conduct electricity because they have free electrons.

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Q: Why can conductors conduct electricity?
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Why conductors conduct electricity?

Conductors conduct electricity because they have free electrons.

Why aren't insulators good conductors of electricity?

because insulators don't conduct any electricity but conductors do conduct electricity

Is conductors of heat and conductors of electricity the same thing?

Sometimes. Metals will conduct both heat and electricity. Glass will conduct heat but not electricity.

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to conduct the current

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Why conductors conduct heat and electricity while insulators are known as poor conductors?

Conductors conduct heat and electricity well because they have delocalised electrons in their structure. Insulators, on the other hand, do not have delocalised electrons and therefore do not conduct heat and electricity as a conductor, although they do conduct to some extent.

Why do conductors conduct electricity while insulaters don't?

Conductors conduct electricity because most of them are made of metals and metals are good conductors of electricity while insulators are made of rubber and rubber does not conduct electricity. To conduct electricity, the atoms that make up the material, have to have free electrons that can pass a charge on. Metals have these free electrons, whereas insulators do not.

Are there any other household conductors?

o There are some organic compounds that can conduct electricity (organic conductors) salts, solubilized in water or any other solvent that can solubilize them conduct electricity. Molten salts conduct electricity ionized atoms or molecules can conduct electricity

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