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Because a solid is.. well, solid. Liquids morph, because they aren't "hard"

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Liquids and gases can take the shape of their containers because their particles are free to move and flow. In contrast, the particles in solids are tightly packed and can only vibrate in place, preventing them from taking the shape of their container.

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Q: Why can liquids and gases take the shape of their containers but solids cant?
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Has no definite shape solid liquid or gas?

Only solids have a definite shape. Neither liquids nor gases have a definite shape.Only solids have a definite shape. Neither liquids nor gases have a definite shape.Only solids have a definite shape. Neither liquids nor gases have a definite shape.Only solids have a definite shape. Neither liquids nor gases have a definite shape.

Why do solids hold their shape but liquids of and gases of the same element do not?

Solids have particles that are closely packed and have strong forces of attraction between them, resulting in a fixed shape. In contrast, liquids and gases have particles that are further apart with weaker forces of attraction, allowing them to flow and take the shape of their container.

In what way are liquids and gases alike?

Liquids and gases are both considered fluids because they can flow and take the shape of their container. They both have the ability to move and are not held in a fixed shape like solids. Additionally, both liquids and gases can expand and contract based on changes in temperature and pressure.

What do solids liquids and gases have that are different?

Solids have a fixed shape and volume, with particles that are closely packed and vibrate in place. Liquids have a fixed volume but take the shape of their container, with particles that are close together but can move past each other. Gases have no fixed shape or volume, with particles that are far apart and move freely.

Can solids liquds and gases change there shape?

Liquids yes, gasses yes, solids no

What properties of solids distinguish them from liquids and gases?

Solids have a definite shape and volume because their particles are closely packed and do not move past one another easily. In contrast, liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of their container, while gases do not have a definite shape or volume as their particles are far apart and move freely.

What are some examples of how gases are different from liquids and solids?

I can only tell you that gases are does not have a difinite shape and volume . E.g air / nitrogen / carbon dioxide / water vapour / . . .

Why do liquids and gases take the shape of their containers while solids do not?

The molecules of liquids and gasses are not tightly arranged or packed. It is due to this arrangement they can move freely. Thus, take the shape of the container. Whereas in solids the molecules are tightly arranged they don't have place to move. Thus ,they don't take the shape of the container.

Which of the following adopts the shape of a container solids liquids or gases?

Liquids and gases adopt the shape of their container, while solids maintain their own shape regardless of the container.

What are the properties all solids have in common?

The common properties of solids is that they have definite shape and a definite volume. They do not take the shape of the containers like the liquids.

Do solids liquids and gases have a definite volume?

Solids have a set volume. Liquids have a set volume. Gases do not have a set volume. Why? Solids are solids. They don't move. They're in a 'frozen state' as is. Liquids 'mold' to the shape of their container and they stay there. Gases are free to go anywhere. Always moving and 'flying.'

Has a definite size and shape?

A solid has a definite size and shape, meaning that its particles are closely packed together and do not move around freely. The arrangement of the particles gives the solid a well-defined volume and form.