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Q: Why can you see light from the sun through clouds?
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How can you see a sun's light on cloudy days?

The sun's rays shine throught the clouds.

How do the clouds block the sun?

It's simple really. Clouds block the sun just like anything else does: by not allowing the sun's light to pass through. Clouds actually reflect much of the sun's rays back out into space. However, this does not mean that all rays are reflected. This is why we can still see during the day on a cloudy day. Like a piece of white paper or thin curtain, there are still small holes or pores that light waves can travel through. Being that clouds are mainly water particles, light can still pass through, but most of it is refracted or reflected.

Why will the official groundhog see his shadow every year no matter what the weather is?

Because the light coming from the sun, even through clouds will cause a shadow.

Why you see white clouds?

(it reflects on the suns light.) just like the sun, we see it in a yellow or orange color but the reason why the sun is yellow is because it is the brightest light ever.

Is the sun above the clouds or below the clouds?

The sun is above the clouds, because when the clouds pass through it covers the sun. So yes the clouds are below the sun.

What is the property of light that allows us to see rainbows?

the sun and rain clouds but that happens rarely.

Does the sun light reflect on clouds?

Yes it does.

What happens when the sun goes through clouds and creats a rainbow?

That doesn't happen. The sun can't create a rainbow when it's in clouds. In order for you to see a rainbow, the sun has to be behind you in clear sky, and there has to be rain or drizzle in front of you.

Why is the sky sometimes white?

The sky is white when it is completely cloud covered. This means the clouds are below the sun and no sun light is getting through.

How far is the clouds?

About three light years from the sun.

Many clouds reflect on a lot of sun light because they have an high?

Clouds have high albedos.

Why are clauds red?

Clouds are red because the red light spectrum is longer than blue. As the earth turns and the landscape is further away from the sun we see the red sky (or clouds).