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Q: Why can you use fraction multiplication to check the answer to a fraction division problem?
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Why you can use multiplication to check a division problem?

multiplication is the Inverse operationof division so it could be used to check my work

How can you use multiplication to check a division problem?

we can multiply the divisor & the quotient to find the dividend

How do you check an equivalent fraction with multiplication and division?

If you start with a fraction p/q and are told that x/y is an equivalent fraction, then the simplest check is to cross-multiply: p*y must be equal to q*x.

How do you check multiplication using division?

You could divide the answer into the larger number of the problem. The answer should be the remaining number (multiplicand).

How does the inverse operation affect solving an equation?

It affects because if you want to solve a multiplication problem you can use it or also to check your division problem

Why can multiplication be used for solving division?

so when you find your answer you can check it by using multiplication.

How can you check an answer to a decimal multiplication problem?

You can check any multiplication problem by running it back as division. If A x B = C, then B = C/A and A = C/B but that seems like a lot of trouble. If you want to see if you have multiplied two numbers correctly, multiply them again. If the two products match, they're probably correct.

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How can i use multiplication to check division?

u can go plus pluse pluse

How do you check addition with division?

You don't. You can check addition with subtraction or subtraction with addition, since subtraction is the opposite of addition. Similary, you can check division with multiplication, or vice versa.

Divide by using long division use multiplication to check the answer 25 60 176?

The solution to the problem 25 divided by 60176 is 0.0004, correct to 4 decimal places.