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yes,but it will take a while its better to leave it under cold water for about 8 mintues

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15y ago
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13y ago

You can, but it's better to defrost in the refrigerator for the same reason you keep the rest of the food in there: to keep it from spoiling.

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11y ago

Bacteria can mess the food if left at room temp for long.

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7y ago

It isn't the best method. Thawing at room temperature could allow the growth of pathogens.

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Q: What is a reason for not thawing food at room temperature?
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Is thawing chicken at room temperature acceptable?

Frozen chicken should be thawed in the refrigerator. Thawing chicken at room temperature can promote the growth of harmful bacteria.

Is chicken that is left out thawing all night still good?

No it has been at room temperature too long and has probably started to spoil. Always thaw meat in the fridge not at room temperature so the food does not enter the danger zone.

What should be the correct temperature of running water which is used for thawing?

It depends upon what you are using it for. I generally use room temperature water for cooking.

What is thaw food?

Food thawing is when the food is frozen and you set it out or put it in the fridge so that it is not frozen anymore it is thawed .

Can you freeze roast beef twice?

Yes. But, any damage is done during the thawing. If you thaw in the refrigerator at 5C you can refreeze. if you cook the beef after thawing once you refreeze it, but if you thaw the beef the first time at room temperature you are risking food poisoning when you thaw the beef a second time

What is an ambient food?

Ambient food is food which is kept and served at the same temperature as room temperature. I.e it is food which does not require refrigeration or heating before eating.

What is a food that spoils at room temperature?

smoked salmon

Why is it that when you leave food out it turns cold but when you leave drinks out it turns hot?

Usually, food is heated to a temperature hotter than the temperature of a room, about 160F. and drinks are usually much cooler than room temperature around 45F or less. So both hot food and cold drinks will eventually equal the temperature of the space or room they are left in.

Why are different materials in different states at room temperature?

this is because the type of materials you have and the type of object you have. the reason for this is because, for example glass is room temperature because the air-con in your classroom is set at room temperature and the glass of your window contracts to the air con making it room temperature

Does bacteria in food multiple slowly at room temperature?

That will depend upon the specific bacterium. Some will grow rapidly at room temperature, others will not.

Is frozen fish that has thawed at room temp for 24 hours and still feels cold safe to eat?

There are food safety issues with thawing at room temperature and it is not recommended. If it is in a sealed package, it could be quick-thawed under cool running water - then immediately cooked. Or it could be thawed in the microwave - and immediately cooked. Or it could be cooked from frozen. Should you choose to thaw by any means other than in the fridge, it should be cooked immediately upon thawing and not stored for cooking later.

Why did cat prefer their food at room temperature?

The natural diet of cats is meat. Cats are meat eaters, designed to thrive on a wide variety of small prey animals, eaten fresh and whole. Their natural diet is high in water and protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and a very low percentage of carbohydrate. Cats generally prefer their food between room temperature and body temperature. The dry food cats are used to eating is designed to be very smelly. Warming the food releases the flavors and fragrances. Cats choose food by smell, and wet food is a lot less fragrant than a commercial food they have been eating. This is often the reason that the second half of a can of food is refused: The first time it was room temperature!