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Chemistry is applied to everything. It applies to physics, biology, etc. Honestly, I was taught that physics is the central science, and even though I am a chemistry major, I still think physics is the central science, but if somebody says they were taught or think it's chemistry I won't argue. I can see/understand both sides. Math is said to be the "language" of science, especially the two physical sciences physics and chemistry. It comes to the point that physics and chemistry are more-or-less two different sides of the same coin. You study very similar stuff, sometimes the same, but from difference perspectives. I think physics is a little more of the central science, but it's a bit hard to explain and understand (and it's a bit long to explain) if you haven't taken, or even talked, physical chemistry. The main reason many people think chemistry is the central science is because chemistry is applied to everything. No matter where you are, you, and everything around you is made up of atoms and molecules. That is why chemistry is the central science.

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2w ago

Chemistry is called the central science because it connects and overlaps with other scientific disciplines, such as Biology, physics, geology, and environmental science. It provides a fundamental understanding of matter and its interactions, which is crucial for advancing knowledge in various fields and solving real-world problems.

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because it is the semi part of all scientific subjects

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because its 3rd yr. subject

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Q: Why chemistry is called the central science?
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Why is chemistry called central science?

Chemistry is often called the central science because of its role in connecting the physical sciences, which include chemistry, with the life sciences and applied sciences such as medicine and engineering. Chemistry is used in biology, material science, pharmacology, medicine and health, marine science, astronomy, etc.If you are a Physicist, Biologist, Medic, or Engineer, chances are, you are working with things (matter). Chemistry is the study of the how matter (tangible stuff) interacts with other matter. Thus doctors use chemistry to predict how a drug will interact with the body, a physicist will use it to understand the properties of the universe, etc. Basically, chemistry is a central science because everyone needs to know how matter behaves in order to do further study in any area.

Why is it that chemistry is called central science?

Chemistry is often referred to as the central science because it bridges the gap between other scientific disciplines, such as biology, physics, and environmental science. It provides a fundamental understanding of matter and how it interacts and transforms, laying the foundation for advancements in various fields of science and technology.

What is The branch of science that deals with changes in molecules is?

The branch of science that deals with changes in molecules is called chemistry. Chemistry studies the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter on a molecular level.

What is the relationship of chemistry to other branches of science like biology and physics?

Chemistry is closely related to biology as it studies the composition and interactions of molecules in living organisms. It also overlaps with physics in areas like physical chemistry, which looks at the behavior of atoms and molecules. Overall, chemistry is fundamental in understanding and explaining many phenomena in both biology and physics.

Why is it that chemistry is the central science?

Chemistry is considered the central science because it bridges the gap between physics and biology, providing a foundation for both disciplines. It explores the composition, structure, properties, and interactions of matter, forming the basis for understanding everything in the physical world. Chemistry also plays a crucial role in other fields such as environmental science, material science, and medicine.

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What are chemistry?

It is a branch of science. Chemistry is based on the study of the composition, properties and behavior of matter. It is sometimes called the "Central Science".

The study of the earth and its composition is called?

The study of the earth and its composition is called geology. Geologists examine rocks, minerals, and landscapes to understand processes that shape the Earth's surface and interior.

Why chemistry called the servant of science?

Chemistry is called the servant of science because it is always there. Chemistry is the basis behind biology, chemistry, and even physics.

Why is chemistry called central science?

Chemistry is often called the central science because of its role in connecting the physical sciences, which include chemistry, with the life sciences and applied sciences such as medicine and engineering. Chemistry is used in biology, material science, pharmacology, medicine and health, marine science, astronomy, etc.If you are a Physicist, Biologist, Medic, or Engineer, chances are, you are working with things (matter). Chemistry is the study of the how matter (tangible stuff) interacts with other matter. Thus doctors use chemistry to predict how a drug will interact with the body, a physicist will use it to understand the properties of the universe, etc. Basically, chemistry is a central science because everyone needs to know how matter behaves in order to do further study in any area.

What is the relationship of chemistry to other branches of science like biology and physics?

Chemistry is closely related to biology as it studies the composition and interactions of molecules in living organisms. It also overlaps with physics in areas like physical chemistry, which looks at the behavior of atoms and molecules. Overall, chemistry is fundamental in understanding and explaining many phenomena in both biology and physics.

The study of matter and how it changes?


What is the science of matter and its changes called?


The science of what matter is made of and how it change is called what?

The science of what matter is made of and how it changes is called chemistry.

What is the branch of science concerning the reactions and behavior of carbon compounds?

This is the branch of science called chemistry. Generally the chemistry of carbon compounds is the concern of organic chemistry.

What is really Chemistry?

Chemistry deals with the study of matter and its composition, structure, properties, changes/transformation that it undergoes and the energy that govern the changes. Chemistry is the central science.

What has the author Theodore L Brown written?

Theodore L. Brown has written: 'AP Chemistry' 'General chemistry' -- subject(s): Chemistry 'Chemistry (Central Science)' 'Michael Graves' 'General chemistry' 'Chemistry'

What is the science of matter is made of and how it changes is called?

The science of what matter is made of and how it changes is called chemistry. Chemistry studies the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter. It provides insights into the behavior of atoms and molecules, and how they interact to form new substances.