

Why diamonds refracts light a lot?

Updated: 5/27/2024
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13y ago

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The speed of light is imperceptible in the reflection of light in diamonds. The light you see when looking at a diamond is caused by both reflection of light from the cut facets and refraction because of diamond's naturally high refractive index.

However, phosphorescence -- an afterglow -- occurs in some diamonds after being exposed to ultra-violet light, depending on the type of diamond and the trace mineral it contains. It is one way gemologists can verify that rare types of diamonds are nature made and not fake stones.

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1w ago

Diamonds refract light a lot due to their high index of refraction, which is a measure of how much light bends as it enters the diamond. This high index of refraction is a result of the dense arrangement of carbon atoms in the diamond crystal lattice, which causes light to slow down and bend more when passing through the diamond. Additionally, diamonds have a high dispersion, which means they separate white light into its spectral colors, producing the characteristic fiery sparkle.

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14y ago

Yes, because of the reflective quality and the refractive quality of the materials used to fabricate and fashion the stone.

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13y ago

this is because the refractive index of diamond is made so that light is often hitting it at a critical angle so instead of being refracted thought the diamond it is reflected

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The light refracts or bend .

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a prism

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