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He died after being in a 9 hour coma, because of the fatal damage the wound caused.

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Q: Why did Abraham Lincoln die 9 hours after he got shot?
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Did Abraham Lincoln die the instant he was shot?

No, Abraham Lincoln died the next day.

When and how did Abraham Lincoln die?

On April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth. Abraham Lincoln died the following morning, on April 15, 1865.

What caused Abraham Lincoln to die?

He was shot and killed by William Booth, someone who lived in the North. (Abraham Lincoln was the South)

What time did Abraham Lincoln die the next day after the play when he got shot?

President Abraham Lincoln died 9 hours after he was shot at 10:15 pm on April 14, 1865 and died at 7:22 am , the next day on April 15, 1865

What if Abraham Lincoln had not been shot?

he would die because he's the first president .

Did Abraham Lincoln die the same day he was shot?

No, he did not. He was shot on April 14, 1865, Good Friday, at approximately 10:15, in the evening. He lay comatose for over 8.5 hours, and died at 7:22AM, the following morning, on April 15, 1865.

What did Abraham Lincoln die for?

Former President Abraham Lincoln died from being shot in the head. Shooter John Wilkes Booth wanted to revive the Confederate cause.

How long did it take Abraham Lincoln to die?

Roughly 11 hours, though he became unconscious the instant he was shot, and never regained consciousness.

Did Abraham Lincoln die instantly or bleed to death?

When Lincoln was shot he was carried across the street from Ford's Theator to a friend's house. He died at 7:22 the morning after he was shot.

How did president linkin die?

Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

What president got shot but didn't die instantly?

Ronald Reagan got shot but didn't die... Abraham Lincoln didn't die till the next day. John F. Kennedy and his brother got shot and died...

Did Abraham Lincoln die getting hammered in the butt?

No, he was shot in the head by booth. Go back to 4 grade history.