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Because he always LOVED math and physics since he was 8-10 years old

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Q: Why did Albert Einstein chose his career?
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Why did Einstein choose his career?

He chose his career because he was so smart that he had to get it out somehow.

How did Albert Einstein's career begin?

by being a physicist

Something Albert Einstein said was important?

his career

What did Albert Einstein explorer?

i think what you are asking is that Albert Einstein explored the world of science and engineering for his life long career

What is Albert's Einstein full name?

Albert Einstein Einstein had no middle name.

Who was albert Einstein's boss?

At the peak of Albert Einstein's career and fame, in the final years of his life, his boss at the University of Princeton was Dr. Allen G. Shenstone, chairman of the Physics Department.

What was Albert Einstein's career in science?

Albert Einstein went into science because he was German and that was "the thing" at the time, equivalent to people nowadays going into "Business Management". It was a popular profession in Germany and he was suited to it.

What was happening politically when albert Einstein launched his science career?

Einstein was a German Jewish immigrant that immigrated to the US just before WW2.

Who were the two sons of Albert Einstein?

Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein maybe twins

What is Einstein's first name?

The most known Einstein is Albert Einstein

How did Albert Einstein's career start?

Slowly! Einstein's career as a physicist started without recognition in a patent office. His recognition came when Planck went out of his way to recognize Einstein's contribution by visiting him at the patent office and publicly praising him.

What are some of Albert Einstein's interview questions?

Who was Albert Einstein and What was Albert Einstein's contribution to the scientific world are some of the Albert Einstein's interview questions.