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Q: Why did Americans mistrust soviets in the cold war?
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Why did Cuba's alliance's with the Soviets worry many Americans?

The Cuba's alliances with the soviets worried Americans for a for different reasons. They thought that the fight between them would turn into a cold war.

What did President Carter do about the Cold War Tensions?

President Carter tried to work with the Soviets to quell the Cold War tensions. This included meetings with Leonid Brezhnev about the situation between East and West Berlin. Carter also tried to work with the Russians on joint missions into outer space.

How much of an affect was the Soviet declaration of War in the Japanese decision to surrender?

The Soviet declaration of war had the same effect as a coup de grace shot. The shot simply hastened the death. A death that was coming anyway. The importance of the Soviet's declaration of war, was to be legally able to get in on the spoils of war; territorial gain. Which they accomplished. It would also lead to the Korean War, 5 years later. Both the US and the USSR had been gearing up for the cold since 1945. Actually since before that...D-Day! By June '44, the Soviets (Russians) and the Americans were already trying to see who would reach Berlin first. Which is the real reason D-Day was so important. If the Russians (Soviets) took Berlin without US/British involvement, then they might have all of Germany (to themselves).

How did the cold war influence everyday Americans and How does it continue to influence us today?

Wen i was kid mi parent drop me on mi hed

What the newly freed African Americans needed to do what after the war?

What the newly freed African Americans needed to do what after the war

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What was the result of the division of Korea?

Cold War rivalries between the Soviets and the Americans.

How was the space race related to the cold war?

The soviets and americans were already at war so when the soviets went to space first america tried to beat them there.

What was the division of Korea largely a result of?

Cold War rivalries between the Soviets and the Americans.

Did the Six Day War have anything to do with the Cold War?

Tangentially. Like many wars that took place during the Cold War, the Americans and the Soviets tended to take sides. While the Americans sat neutral in this particular war, the Soviets lent military and economic aid to the Arab countries.

Why did Cuba's alliance's with the Soviets worry many Americans?

The Cuba's alliances with the soviets worried Americans for a for different reasons. They thought that the fight between them would turn into a cold war.

What effect did the Korean War have on the Cold War policy?

well you would have to look it up. but i think after the wold war 2 the soviets and Americans split Korea into territories.the territories were suposed to merge but the soviets made the noth commusist and the Americans made the south democratic.after the soviets and Americans withdrew the north began invasionplans:) hope that helped:)

Why did the US and soviet union mistrust each other after world war 2?

Idealogical differences. The Americans treated Communists as a cult (and a religion), and the Soviets thought the same thing about Capitalism.

Why were the soviets afraid of the Americans during the cold war?

You must be reffering to the Cold War. Some were, some weren't. They were always afraid of losing the competition because the Soviets would then have greater power, but I don't think many Americans feared the Soviet Union.

Who had the bomb in the cold war?

The Americans had it first (1945), the Soviets second (1949), and the British, French, and Chinese after. India, Pakistan, and Israel also developed the atom bomb in the Cold War period.

What were problems faced by the United States during the Cold War?

Fighting without actually going so far as to pick a fight with the other major power In Vietnam, The Americans had to fight without provoking World War 3 with the Soviets, while in Afghanistan, the Soviets had to do the same, but with the Americans.

Why did the Soviets start the cold war?


Who resolved the cold war?

The Soviets did, when they collapsed.