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Q: Why did Aram feel about the crazy street in the family?
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How do you know if you are crazy about your boyfriend?

You get this crazy feeling in your gut and you feel lonely and sad when your not with him.

What to do if your family think your are crazy?

I think that this depends. What have you done to make your family think you are crazy? Do you think you are crazy? Is it crazy in a good sense or in a bad sense? How do you feel when others think you are crazy? Perhaps your family just feels you are different from them. It's probably nothing much to worry about. But if you are negatively affected by this feeling greatly, I think it's time to ask your family members about it. And if you feel mentally disturbed to a great extent, possibly seeking the help of a psychiatrist would be a good idea. But for some teenagers today, they don't really care about what others think of them. If you belong to this category (you probably don't, seeing as you have posted this question), then I don't see the point of your question. Seriously, being dubbed crazy just because you are different and unique is stupid. Lots of us today actually enjoy being called or thought of as crazy. So don't worry too much about it. But if you really care, then go talk to your family. And if it gets too serious, go to a psychiatrist. That's all the advice I can give. Hope that helps.

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A cyclone can feel like strong winds blowing horizontally, with a loud roaring sound. The air pressure may drop, causing ear discomfort or headaches. The environment may feel chaotic and tumultuous, with debris flying around.

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no there is not i feel bad for they are cool

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I feel sad and sympathy

Is Nancy pelosi crazy?

Although many feel she is "out there", and her speeches back that up, there is no concrete evidence she is crazy or insane.

What is the conflict and resolution in The Crazy Horse Electric Game?

Willie Weaver, the main protagonist suffers an injury after his big Crazy Horse Electric Game. That makes his left side of his body weaker than his right, so he has to recover from his injury.The resolution conflict is resolved when Willie saves the life of the leader of the street gang. He returnes to Coho, Montana, and finds his family separated. He returnes back to Oakland, California knowing that Coho does not feel like his hometown anymore.

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a seminar means that if you are crazy and blind and u feel dignosed

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