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The One-Child Policy was set forth to control China's growing population. It was set to avoid social, economic and environmental issues in 1979. About 36% of China's population is subject to the policy and a 2008 survey says that 76% percent of the population of China support the policy. There are exemptions and areas that aren't subject to this policy. It is said to be the cause of China's gender imbalance, as girls are most often aborted and subject to infanticide. Although the policy is in order, there are many citizens who continue to bear more than one child.

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Why do china people how 1 child?

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During communist rule in China, Mao Zedong require a "1 child policy." Each family was only allowed to have one child in order to keep the population in check.

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to bring down China's huge population

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In 1979.

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No! That's just China!

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The only law that I know is that you can only have 1 child in China. If you have more than 1 child, or is pregnant with another child, you will be beaten down until you agree to have an abortion. Cruel huh! :p

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China is over populated. Also, to the Chinese girls are use less.

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Chinese laws are very strictly enforced in China, especially compared to North America. For example, in China couples are only allowed to have 1 child. If a couple has a second child they are forced to give the child up.

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How much do people have to pay for breaking the 1 child policy in china?

Pay more tax until the child is 18.