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Because he was a psycho loser butt face

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Q: Why did Einstein do thought experiments?
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Did Einstein develop thought experiments?


How did Einstein discover the theory of relativity?

Thought experiments.

What did Einstein's groundbreaking studies in physics lead to the development of?

Einstein was a theoretical physicist. He did thought experiments. Einstein's theories are said to have lead to the Atomic bomb but others had a more direct impact on its creation. Einstein was more famous popularly.

How did Albert Einsten conduct his experiment?

Some of Einstein's experiments were called thought experiments. So he thought about what would happen under unusual circumstances, like a train speeding up to a velocity near the speed of light.

What was one of Albert Einstein's experiments?

one of his experiments was the puzzle.

How did Albert Einstein discover the special theory of relativity?

Thought experiments about what things would look like if you could ride light beams.

What tools did Einstein have available to complete his experiments with?

Einstein used a pen and paper, or chalkboard. He was a theoretical physicist. Experimental physicists run experiments.

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Why is Albert Einstein a hero?

for his theories, experiments and discoveries i am confused what were his experiments, theories and discoveries

What were some of Albert Einstein's experiments?

he made a computer for his first love named Nicole Polanski because she thought it would be a better way for a dictionary... Isabella

Where did Albert Einstein do his experiments?

Actually, Albert Einstein did not do experiments. He was a theoretical physicist and worked out things mathematically. Other scientist designed or discovered ways of proving his theories.

Did Albert Einstein have a laboratory?

He was a theoretical physicists. For his work that made him famous, he did not need to run a laboratory. He is also known for his famous thought experiments. These were not real experiments, just hypothetical experiments he ran in his mind. Some of these thought experiments have been proven to be wrong, but they still contributed significantly to our understanding of physics. On the other hand, as he needed, he collaborated with other scientists who had their own labs either to develop new theories or to verify his previously stated arguments.