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Q: Why did Ellen make a sharp low cry when she went outside with peter?
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Why did Ellen make a sharp cry when she went outside with henrike?

becuase she dodo on her pants

Why did Ellen make sharp cry when she went outside with henrik?

becuase she dodo on her pants

Why did Ellen make a sharp cry when she went outside with henrik number the stars?

Ellen made a sharp cry because she saw soldiers approaching, which put her in danger of being discovered as a Jew. This moment filled her with fear and uncertainty about what might happen next.

Why did Ellen make a sharp cry when she went outside with uncle Henrik?

Ellen made a sharp cry when she went outside with Uncle Henrik because she saw the boat with the Jewish passengers approaching, putting them all at risk of being discovered by the Nazis. This moment caused panic and fear as they had to quickly hide the Jewish passengers to prevent them from being captured.

Does Ellen make it in Number the Stars?

Yes, Ellen survives safely.

Who make sharp TV?

Japan, sharp is Japanese

How do you make the piano sound in Cadence in B sharp?

There is no B sharp.

Why does a Great White shark have a sharp face?

so they can make sharp turns

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Is it safe to put a stick from outside into your snakes cage?

Yes, it is safe IF you check to be sure there are no sharp sticks coming out of it. Also make sure it is a strong stick so that it does not snap while your snake is on it.

What promise did Annemarie make to Ellen?

Annemarie promised Ellen that she would keep her friendship and hide the fact that Ellen was Jewish. She also promised to help Ellen escape to safety when the Nazis started targeting Jewish people.

Can a make a signature on the sharp fx plus?

Yes, that would be F♯x (F triple sharp) - enharmonic with G sharp.