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Oglethorpe had a friend who died of small pox in a debtors prison. Back then, debtors prison was basically a death sentence, unless, someone bailed you out. Oglethorpe had an idea... He presented his idea to the King. They would send debtors to Georgia, aka the debtors colony, the debtors would get to start over fresh. Georgia would also serve as a buffer between Spanish Florida and English Carolina, South Carolina had many goods at that time. However, less than 10 debtors were sent to Georgia because Oglethorpe did such a great job advertising how great the new colony would be.

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The British sent their prisoners to Georgia (as many as 50,000) to empty their jails of petty criminals and debtors in the hope that they would never return to their shores. It was a profit making scheme since they were sold off to plantation owners as indentured servants and also brought economic relief since they did not have to feed and house them at home. The Revolutionary war ended this practice and Australia was next selected as a dumping ground for the Empires' rejects.

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Q: Why did Georgia colonists come to the colony?
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Where did Georgia come from?

Georgia's colonists came from England. In 1732, James Oglethorpe established this colony as a refuge for English debtors. The colony was named for King George II.

Who was the colony of Georgia founded for?

The group of people who formed Georgia were colonists that were in jail. The colonists didn't want to have the people there so they made them their own colony.

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In the Carolina Colony.

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Blacks, Liquor dealers, Catholics, and Lawyers could not be colonists in Georgia.

What attracted colonists to the colony of Georgia?

Georgia had many resources, therefore it was attractive for the colonists. It was also a place for the debtors from England to start over.

What difficulties did the people face in the colony of Georgia?

The colony of Georgia had a great deal of inner conflict. Some colonists wanted slavery, while others did not. The colony also engaged in war with the colony of Florida. Known as the War of Jenkins Ear. Due to the expense of fighting the war, Parliament wanted Georgia to become self sufficient.

Why did Georgia's colonists come to Georgia?

They departed on November 17, 1732, and they arrived on February 1, 1733.

Who ruled the colony of Georgia?

The Georgia colony was initially governed by a group of trustees. There was widespread dissatisfaction from the colonists, and James Oglethorpe, who had originally petitioned for the colony, lost his enthusiasm, and no longer came to the colony. The colony ended its trusteeship government, and went into that of a royal colony in 1752.

Because of the climate in Georgia early colonists found Georgia to be a good place to what?

The answers is C) Growing crops to send to England. This is the answer for USAtestprep.

How did the colony Georgia come to exist?

The Georgia colony was established as a buffer between Spanish Florida to the south and the English Carolina colonies to the north.

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Colonists in Georgia had good relations with Native Americans. They were welcomed by the Yamacraws.