

Best Answer

giovanni wanted to do his voage because he wanted to find a pasege to the pacific osean

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Q: Why did Giovanni cabot go to his first voyage?
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When did John Cabot go on his second voyage?

He Went to Canada and explored the Canadien coastline

Where did john Cabot go on his last voyage?

He went to North America and he claimed most of north America

Why did john Cabot go on his second voyage in 1498?

He wanted more trade between what he thought to be Asia

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How Was John Cabot Voyage Go?

He wanted to go to the new world working for the Spain/Portugal empire (I don't remember which empire it was those 2) but the king didn't allow him. So he went over to the English side (England/Britain whatever you know it as....) if he could do his voyage there, and their king let him but they changed his name to John Cabot. Note: His name before was Giovanni Cabotto (don't know how to spell last name) Then they sailed off the new land. When he was there he told people that there was a lot of fish and resources. He called this land NEW FOUND LAND as we know today in the country of Canada. Hope it helps in your history/social class you have.