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He attended Trinity College in Cambridge, but could not afford it and had to do chores to attend. Soon however teachers and other students began to realize how bright he really was, but just as they were realizing that, everyone had to leave the college due to the plague. You had a better chance of survival if you went back to your home. However, Newton came up with calculus and the three laws of motion while sitting under a tree at the farm, while the sheep were grazing.

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14y ago

Cambridge University closed due to the Plague in the summer of 1665.

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11y ago

Newton figured out the laws of motion, forces, and gravity.

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4y ago

He was force to go there because of the outbreak of the Bubonic Plague

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Because, Just Because.

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i know

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thx for nothing

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Q: Why did Isaac Newton leave Cambridge and return to Woolsthorpe?
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Sir Isaac Newton lived in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England.Sir Isaac Newton lived in Woolsthorpe Lincolnshire England.England

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Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe Manor, Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, near Grantham, England.Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire

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Isaac newton was born at Woolsthorpe Manor in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, England.

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Yes he lived in Woolsthorpe , Lincolnshire , England

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Isaac Newton was born in 1643 at Woolsthorpe, England. His father died three months before his birth. His mother remarried but did not wish to raise Isaac. Isaac Newton was raised by his grandmother. He attended Free Grammar School and then went on to Trinity College Cambridge. Newton worked his way through college. While at college he became interested in math and astronomy. Newton received both a bachelors and masters degree.

What was the homtown of Isacc newton?

Isaac Newton's home town was Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England.

What was Isaac newton's address?

"i did a crossroad with this question it took me a while but the answer is "SIR" .See also "Where did Isaac Newton live?" if you are not doing crosswords!

What is isaac newtons nationality?

isaac newtons nationality was english,iloveyou isaac newton!

Did Isaac Newton come from cheshire?

no, he came from Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England

Where did isaac newton live as a kid?

My guess is were he was born, in woolsthorpe England.

When did isaac newton go to town school in woolsthorpe?

October 1659