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Q: Why did Jackson forcibly relocate native Americans?
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Which act did congress pass in order to relocate Native Americans?

The act that Congress passed that allowed them to relocate the Native Americans was called the Indian Removal Act. It went in to effect in 1830 when Andrew Jackson was president.

What was Jackson's flaw?

Andrew Jackson's flaw was his treatment of Native Americans, as he implemented policies that forcibly removed them from their lands through the Indian Removal Act of 1830, resulting in the tragic Trail of Tears. His actions led to the suffering and displacement of thousands of Native Americans.

How many native Americans were force to migrate the Indian removal act of 1830?

Over 2,000 Native Americans were forced to relocate south.

Congress passed what act to relocate native Americans?

Indian removal act

Which statement BEST describes American policy towards Native Americans in the late 19th century?

Most Native Americans were practically forced to relocate to reservations.

Who was the president during the removal of the Native Americans?

I am certain that it is Andrew Jackson who was the president during the Removal Act of the Native Americans.

How Jackson deal with native Americans?

Jackson created the Trail of Tears, which removed all the Native Americans to the west of the Mississippi River

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In 1830, President Jackson convinced Congress to pass legislation that forced Native Americans to relocate west of the Mississippi and opened up about 100 million acres of land for white settlers.

Where did Andrew Jackson move the native Americans to?

Andrew Jackson moved all Native Americans West were is know known as Oklahoma, so the Americans can start a plantation .

What group did Andrew Jackson believe stood in the way of land acquisition by white men?

Andrew Jackson believed that Native American tribes stood in the way of land acquisition by white men. He implemented policies such as the Indian Removal Act, which forcibly relocated Native Americans from their ancestral lands in order to make way for white settlement.

Why did Andrew Jackson urge congress to pass th Indian removal act?

southerners wanted him to remove Native Americans from the south.

What did the whig party accuse Jackson of being?

they accused him of ignoring the native americans