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King Tut's Pyramid was the first found to be "unlooted".

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Q: Why did King Tutankhamun and his buried treasures become famous?
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Who is more famous Cleopatra or Tutankhamun?

Tutankhamun is more famous and well known because of the treasures found in his tomb


He was a boy king who ruled for only ten years, he is famous because his tomb was found with all the treasures still in it in 1922.

Why did king tutankhamen and his buried treasures become famous?

King Tut became famous because he was a boy king and because of his famous curse and his buried treasure became famous because they weren't robbed King Tutankhamen and his treasure became famous to modern people because historians displayed articles from his tomb in museums throughout the world.

What people were buried in the pyramids?

The pyramids of Egypt were primarily built as tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. These pharaohs were believed to be divine rulers and were buried with valuable treasures and belongings they would need in the afterlife. Some of the famous pharaohs buried in the pyramids include Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.

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Why is the Egyptian boy king famous?

King Tutankhamun was famous began his tomb was found in great condition. As he was only a minor pharaoh, one can only imagine what treasures lay in the tombs of the great pharaohs like Hatshepsut, Rameses ii, and seti.

Who was the famous pharo?

king tutankhamun

How did king Tutankhamun become well known throughout Egypt?

Tutankhamun was famous for the spectacular condition of his tomb when it was found in 1922 by Howard Carter. It had been broken into and a couple of items stolen at least twice in antiquity.

Who found Tutankhamen's tomb in Egypt's valley of the kings?

Howard Carter. He was an English archaeologist and Egyptologist. He become Famous after finding Tutankhamun in the Valley Of The Kings.

Which famous king died in Babylon?

king tutankhamun

What was were some of the treasures King Tutankhamun was buried with?

Tutankhamen was buried with all of his possesions (throne, body, model servents, weapons etc...).A whole lot of stuff. He was buried with over 3,500 treasures that have helped Egyptologist out A LOT! He was also buried with a baby.. his own son. Who died from a illness at, or shortly after birth.

Is King Tutankhamun's tomb famous?

YES! It was and still is famous because Tutankhamun was such a young Pharaoh when he reigned. His tomb also gave us an insight of how the ancient Egyptians lived.