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Q: Why did Sam Houston wanted the capital in Houston?
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When Sam Houston was president why did he name the capital of Texas Houston?

Houston was a capital of Texas but the capital of Texas was moved to Austin in 1839.

Why did Sam Houston want Houston to be the capital of Texas?

He was the leader.

Houston Texas is named after who?

1. Yes, Houston, Harris County's seat was named after Sam Houston. Sam Houston was Houston was founded by J.K. Allen and A.C. Allen. Harris County once had the capital of Texas until January 14, 1839 when Mirabeau Lamar had the capital moved to Austin.

How long have Sam Houston been the capital of Texas?

since 1839

Why was the capital of Texas was moved from velasco to Houston and then from Houston to Austin?

Columbia, what is now known as West Cloumbia was the capital before Houston. It was moved to Houston Because president Sam Houston ordered it to be moved December 15, 1836 and it started operating from Houston April 19, 1837. Hope this helps :)

Why did Sam Houston support the Mexican American war?

He wanted the Independence of Texas validated.

Why did Sam Houston want freedom?

He wanted freedom for everyone except the slaves of course.

Did he do this in 1839 Lamar moved the capital to a new site named in the honor of Sam Houston?

No, the new Capital honored Stphen Austin.

Facts about sam Houston?

Houston is named after Sam Houston

What was sam houston's goal in 1860?

Sam Houston wanted to make peace with the native Indians. He also wanted to cut Texas spending since Mirabeau B. Lamar had run Texas bankrupt. He also wanted to annex Texas to the United states.

Why did sam Houston try to replace Felix Houston with albert Sidney johnston?

He replaced felix because he wanted a nother chance to beat the Mexicans. And he wanted to defeat and get refvenge on the Mexicans.

Why did Sam Houston leave his home in Tennessee?

because he wanted to help the Texans in the Texas revolution