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Q: Why did Sanford dole and others want to overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy?
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Seditious speech is speech that urges others to?

Answer 1: Overthrow the government.

What is Cromwell famous for?

The most famous Cromwell is Oliver Cromwell. He is famous for being responsible for the overthrow of the British monarchy and for turning England into a republican commonwealth. According to the philosopher David Hume Cromwell was a dictator, but according to many others he was a hero of liberty.

Seditious speech is speech that urges others to overthrow what?

The government

What is the word for yellow in hawaiian?

melemele in others. Kalaka melemele-yellow truck.

What is the hawaiian word for friendly?

The Hawaiian word for friendly is "aloha". It is a commonly used term in Hawaiian culture to express love, peace, and compassion towards others.

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Because he was evil and feared that others would try to overthrow him.

What does Makikonu mean in Hawaiian?

In Hawaiian, "makikonu" means deceiver, trickster, or cheater. It refers to someone who is dishonest or tries to deceive others.

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No countries really use limited monarchy, but countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others use monarchy while also using another form of government.

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They bribed them with Swisher Sweets cigars and brown ale.

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A king ruled a kingdom. A kingdom is a type of monarchy, but there are others.

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The conspirator plotted with others to overthrow the government.

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