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Famously, he is the first person to use the word "assassination" in print. He created many words, not all of which have caught on and become part of our vocabulary. "Superflux" is one of my favourites.

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16y ago

Shakespeare didn't invent many words, just masterfully used those in existence to write plays and poems.

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Q: Why does Shakespeare make up words?
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How many words did Shakespeare make-up?

About 2,000!!! See related link

Why cant people make up words?

They can. There is a big, complicated system in order for people to actually use your word, but if people didn't make up words, then who did? Shakespeare coined several words, and they are in a book!

Did Shakespeare make up somewords?

Shakespeare made up over 3000 words. A partial list of them can be found here.

Where did Shakespeare get his words from?

Most of them are ordinary English words. Some are French or Latin, or derivatives of them. However, Shakespeare was quite happy to make up a totally new word when it suited him. In fact he did this a lot.

Did Shakespeare comic actors make up extra words to say?

hell yer they did: eat me hell yer they did: eat me

What phases did William Shakespeare make up?

William shakespeare thought up 47 quotations to be precisest.

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Shakespeare used words in such a way that they were distanced from their traditional meaning allowing him to?

Shakespeare used words in such a way that they were distanced from their traditional meaning, allowing him to: make hidden political statements.

How many common English words were invented by Shakespeare?

He invented about 2,000 to 5,000 words... but some people think he invented up to 8,000g. Sadly, it is impossible to know for sure. John Marcone points out in his book Brush up Your Shakespeare, "Just because [Shakespeare] was a regular phrase-coining machine doesn't mean he should hog the credit when the facts are against him". Lists of supposed Shakespeare words Far to often contain words that evidence suggests should not go to his credit. Other external factors also contribute to this misinformation. Visit my page entitled Did Shakespeare Invent and Make up English Words and Phrases in the Related Links section below for more on Shakespeare's purported word inventing prowess.

William Shakespeare growing up?

he watched his father make gloves growing up

Did Shakespeare invent word?

Yes, he is credited with creating 1700 new words. A lot of these were using a word as a new part of speech. For example, the word "assassin" existed, but Shakespeare invented "assassination"Just think, the average English speaker knows 4000 words altogether. The number of words Shakespeare invented is over 40% of that number.Yet fact does not always support the legend. Shakespeare was a great writer of English. Perhaps he was even the greatest. This makes Shakespeare an easy target for misinformation. Ryan Buda wrote a useful article entitled Did Shakespeare Invent and Make up English Words and Phrases, which provides an interesting take on the subject. Check it out in the related linkssection below

How many words is shakespeare given credit for introducing in the language?

William Shakespeare is given credit for introducing over 2,200 new words. Some ways Shakespeare did this was by changing verbs in to adjectives, adding prefixes, or just making up himself.