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to see the molecules and atoms up close noooooooo wrong

He invented the microscope in order to get a better look at the world around us in a closer view.

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Q: Why did Zacharias invent the microscope?
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When did Zacharias invent the microscope?

He made his first simple lens microscope in 1595.

When did Zacharias Jansen invent the microscope?

He made his first simple lens microscope in 1595.

What happened to Zacharias Janssen after he invented the microscope?

FYI he did not invent the microscope the Romans did search it on the web

When did Zacharias Jansen and father Hans invent the Compound Microscope?


When did Theodor Schwan invent the microscope?

Theodor Schwan did not invent the microscope. Hans and Zacharias Jansen did. He produced the 1st compound microscope in the late 1500's.

What did Zacharias Janssen invent?

Zacharias Janssen (Netherlands) invented the telescope and perhaps the compound micoscope in 1590.

Did Isaac Newton invent the first microscope?

Zacharias Janssen was the first person to invent the microscope and the kind of microscope he made was a compound microscope--a microscope that uses two or more sets of lenses. Plus, the first compound microscope (by Zacharias) was made around 1595 in Middleburg, Holland.

Did Thomas Edison invent the microscope?

Although Thomas Edison invented many things and was a legend to the world of science, he did not invent the microscope. That gadget was invented by Zacharias Janssen.

What did Janssen discover?

Zacharias Janssen was the first person to invent the optical telescope. He is also known as the inventor of the compound microscope.

What was the microscope Zacharias Janseen invented?

Zacharias Janssen invented the first compound microscope.

How did Zacharias Jansen invent or improve the microscope?

he experimented with multiple lens placed in a tube. the object in front of the tube appeared greatly enlarged

Who invent the light microscope?

The light microscope also called the optical microscope uses visibale light and a system of lenses. The actual inventor is difficult to name although Galileo's microscope was celebrated in 1624 and was the first such device to be given the name "microscope". There are claims that a Dutch spectacle-makers Hans Janssen and his son, Zacharias Janssen, but this was a declaration made by Zacharias Janssen himself during the mid 1600s.