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because of stupid Star Wars

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Q: Why did all the Doctor Who experditions close?
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The simple answer is YES. However this isn't a simple question. I first say talk to your doctor. Typically stent remain open for years before becoming blocked again. With that said, there is always a chance it can close. All the same risk factor for cardiovascular disease must be considered. If the doctor prescribed medications after the procedure, it is vital that they are taken. Again talk to your doctor for a more personalized answer.

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no..not nearly close

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During a craniotomy, a flap of bone is temporarily removed. After the procedure is over, the bone flap is replaced and secured by the doctor using a variety of methods, including titanium plates and screws, wire, or sutures.

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Most Doctor Who museums are simply touring around - they probably moved to some place else unfortunately

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No, the Doctor's most attractive companion would probably be Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones with a close second being Karen Gillan as Amy Pond. In my geekiest moment I might argue that K9 was at the best companion of all time.