

Why did Romans need monarchs?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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13y ago

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The Romans, or any other people, needed a leader, someone to keep Law and Order and make decisions for defense. Monarchy was/is a form of government. At the time of the founding of Rome, it was the usual form of government, and the early Romans were no different from other people in having a king.

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13y ago
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8y ago

The monarchy was abolished and replaced by the republic when the Romans rebelled and deposed the last king of Rome, Taruinius Superbus, because he was a tyrant. The purpose of the republic was to prevent the return of tyranny. The king was replaced by two annually elected consuls. Having two men in charge meant that they could counterbalance each other. The short term of office meant that no one could concentrate power in their hands.

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11y ago

There was no way Rome could stay a republic because there was no republic at the time when Octavian formed the principate. The republic had been dead since well before the dictatorships of Julius Caesar. Octavian, as the victor in the war with Antony was left as supreme ruler. The senate and the Roman people were quite willing to reward Octavian with the powers of state as they were not only sick and tired of the constant civil wars that had plagued them for almost a hundred years, but they also benefited from the loot that Octavian brought back to Rome from Egypt. The principate that Octavian/Augustus formed was different from a monarchy in the fact that the succession to the throne was not always automatically given to a ruler's son. The heir had to be named in the dead emperor's will or at least the intention of naming a man as an heir had to be made known.

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13y ago

ancient Rome was never a democracy. It began as a monarchy, but then later changed to a republic, and then an empire.

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13y ago

Ancient Rome had a monarchy because the original settlers were, in time, conquered by the Etruscans who became kings. A situation where the strongest man ruled.

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