

Why did ant can walk on the wall?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Firstly, ants hve an increatable little weight for their size.So gravity does not affect them very much.Secondly, ants have little things like fingers at the end of their legs so that they can grab ledges of the surfces even little ones.Finally in nature there are not totlly vertical surfaces so even them who seem to be very vertical they are not and ant climb on them by grabbing the ledges with their fingers. They do not fall easily thanks to their little weight as i have already mentioned ask me more about natural world if you need help.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Although a surface may seem smooth to us, if you look closely, there at tiny nooks and crannies in it. Ants have tiny claws at the bottom of their feet which they use to grab hold of these small holes in the surface and climb walls. Almost like rock climbing

Other insects like cockroaches have suction cups inbetween their claws on their feet so they can climb the smoothest surfaces and even ceilings.

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15y ago

They have cool legs. I despise...take that back...loathe bugs. Including 1, Spiders, 2, MOSQUITOS, 3, Ants.

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14y ago

Because they have some sticky stuff on there legs on the bottom and your ? shoud of been why could ants walk up walls your ? is soo roung

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10y ago

Ants always gather in clumps because they are very close and always stick together. Certain workers of an ant colony are always together and they are on your ceiling looking for food.

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