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Q: Why did bobby and Jesus get paddled in the movie?
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How did the vikings get their boats up rivers?

They paddled their oars.

Is paddled a noun?

No the word paddled is not a noun. It is a past tense verb.

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No species of raccoon has 'paddled' feet.

Who plays bobby in Scary Movie?

Jon Abrahams plays Bobby in the movie 'Scary Movie.'

In the very beginning of the movie a kid is being paddled at school In this movie a fat kid is in his bathroom as he just gets out of the shower he opens his bathroom drawer to get a snickers.?

little marines its a Disney movie

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I'm not really sure.

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Bobby the movie about bobby Kennedy

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The cast of Jesus is My Co-Pilot - 2013 includes: Gudrun Flaherty as Thelma Bobby Lee as Bobby Lee Randall Park as Tank Johnny Skourtis as Jesus

What are the release dates for Bobby Movie Director - 1917?

Bobby Movie Director - 1917 was released on: USA: 7 August 1917

Do frat pledges get paddled?

Yes, sometimes they do. I got paddled a few time while pledging. It doesn't happe as much as it use to.