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Katniss killed Coin because it was her bombs that killed her sister, Prim. Snow was not lying when he said it wasn't his bombs that killed Prim.

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Q: Why did coin want to be like snow in hunger games?
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What does President Snow smell like in The Hunger Games?

Roses and tea

Does it snow in the capitol in The Hunger Games?

Yes. The Capitol is just like the rest of Penam. So yes, it does snow ;)♥.

How does Coin die in The Hunger Games?

Coin is the President of District 13 but she is not introduced until the third book of the series, Mockingjay.

How did Snow become the leader in the Hunger Games?

President Snow isn't the leader of the games, he is the President of Panem.

Will Peeta Mellark and katniss's kids have to be in the Hunger Games?

Probly not because snow is dead. The hunger games are finished.

What is president coin's first name in the hunger games?

*SPOILER ALERT* Katniss is suppose to shoot president snow but at the last second she redirects her arrow to president Coin's neck and shoots. Killing her instantly

Who is the antagonist in the book The Hunger Games?

Society Edit: Some have said Big Brother or the Party, but i'm almost Certain that the Antagonist is O`Brian.

How does hypocrisy applies to the concept of the Hunger Games?

Alma Coin, one of the the leaders of the rebellion and the president-to-be should the rebellious cause be victorious, is portrayed by the author as a person who is likely to be a power monger and a dictator, just like President Snow (the Capitol leader). In the end, this proves to be true when Coin proposes that the Capitol members are to be made to compete in Hunger Games to punish them for their treatment of the Districts during the Capitol's reign.

Who likes the hunger games the most?

President Snow and the Capitol.

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The Capitol, to be specific, President Snow.

Who does Donald sutherland play in the hunger games?

President Snow