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Q: Why did crocker Harris give extra work to taplow?
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How do you recruit raquaza in Pokemon dungeon?

Just have luck it has an 10% join chance friendbow ads 10% and your lvl can give extra % to!

Are there any items that give you extra EXP in Pokemon black 2?

The Lucky Egg will increase EXP earned from a battle for the Pokemon who held the item.

What do you do with ortensia's locket in epic mickey?

You can either give it to Oswald for an extra thing of health or sell it to the museum for 250 etickets. Giving it to Oswald is the paint path.

How do you get extra money every battle in leaf green?

a cheat or give your Pokemon a coin that you get from professor oaks aide and if the Pokemon holding it was in battle you get more money

Did he 'give away' Daneel Harris at her wedding to Jensen Ackles?

Please identify who is the 'he' you are referring to. Traditionally the bride's father 'gives away' the bride. Sometimes if the bride's father is unavailable, another male family member/friend of the family will fulfill this role. A new trend is for both parents to 'give away' the bride.

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What is the summary of the browning version?

The play is about the last few days in the career of Andrew Crocker-Harris, an ageing classics teacher at a British public school. The man's academic life is fading away following illness and he feels that he has become obsolete.It starts when Taplow, a pupil who needs Crocker-Harris to pass him so he can go up to the next year, comes to him for help with his Greek, but Crocker-Harris is not in his rooms. Instead, Taplow meets Frank Hunter, another Master at the school. We find out (after Taplow leaves) that Hunter and Crocker-Harris' wife, Millie, are carrying on an affair.When Crocker-Harris returns, he first has the lesson with Taplow, where he begins to show his true feelings through his love for literature. Afterwards, the headmaster arrives to inform him that the school will not give him his pension because of his early retirement, though he was depending on it, and wishes him to relinquish his place in the end-of-term speech-giving to a popular sports master.Mr. Gilbert, Crocker-Harris's successor at his teaching post, arrives to view the Crocker-Harrises' home. He seeks advice on the lower fifth, the year Crocker-Harris teaches, and how to control them. Crocker-Harris begins to relate to Gilbert his own sad experiences after Gilbert tells Crocker-Harris that the headmaster had referred to Crocker-Harris as the 'Himmler of the lower fifth'. Crocker-Harris, who did not realise he was feared by the boys, is very disturbed by this title.Taplow returns, and moves Crocker-Harris by giving him an inscribed version of Robert Browning's translation of Aeschylus' Agamemnon, at which point he breaks down crying. Millie, his wife, shows her callousness at Crocker-Harris's emotional state by ruining this fond moment by implying Taplow only gave the gift to get the grades. Hunter breaks off the affair with her, instead turning his sympathies to Crocker-Harris. Crocker-Harris informs him that he knew of Millie's affair with Frank, as well as her previous ones, but despite this he does not wish to divorce her.As the play ends, Hunter makes plans with a reluctant Crocker-Harris to meet him at his new place of work, and an uplifted Crocker-Harris telephones the headmaster saying that he will make his speech after the sports master, as is his right.The 'Browning Version' of the title references the translation of the Greek tragedy given by Taplow, Agamemnon, in which Agamemnon is murdered by his wife, aided by her lover.Although the name of the school is not given in the play, it is clearly Harrow School (which Terence Rattigan attended), something evident from the idiosyncrasies of the timetable that Crocker-Harris is in charge of writing.

Why does Mr Crocker give grades that Timmy Turner failed?

Mr. Crocker hates Timmy because when Mr. Crocker was young he had fairie godparents and Timmy messed with the past and Dimmsdale found out that Crocker has godparents, so he lost them! So now Mr. Crocker is trying to capture Timmy's Fairies (Cosmo, Wanda & Poof) to prove to the world that there ARE Fairies and that he's not crazy.

Why does Crocker give grades that Timmy Turner failed?

because he knows about his faeries and wont stop till he gets them

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What is jawan harris number?

WE can not give celebrities phone numbers away best way to talk 2 jawan harris or Mr.Harris is on

What is jawan harris's number?

WE can not give celebrities phone numbers away best way to talk 2 jawan harris or Mr.Harris is on

Does chris crocker have a personal facebook or fan one?

He has both. He will not give you his personal one unless there are special circumstances like you meet him & become his friend.

Can give the charectersketch of harris in three men in a boat by jeromekjerome?

gvhygbdsc idot

Will Harris Corporation give checks to employees for profit sharing in 2009?

no way

What's chris crocker's phone number?

Chris currently doesn't give out personal information. You can try contacting him via Twitter, Myspace, Email, or Youtube.

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Give me your extra dollars