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Q: Why did early humans live in tribes instead of all together?
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How did early human join together?

It is reasonable to believe that early human association was in the form of tribes.

How did early humans feel for the need of govenments?

Assuming "early humans" refers to those who existed in "prehistory" or before written history, they did not require government. Instead, societies existed in tribes or bands, following the directives of the eldest members. Eventually, societies became too big for this to work and government took the form of kingship. Democratic governments, have only existed as we know them for about 220 years, though the idea for it is older.

Who were gonds tribes?

Gond tribes are same like early man

What do archaeologists have to do with early humans?

Archaeologists study early humans by examining their artifacts, tools, and structures to learn about their behaviors, technology, and lifestyles. This can help paint a more detailed picture of our ancestors and how they lived, hunted, and interacted with their environment. By uncovering and analyzing these remnants of the past, archaeologists contribute crucial insights into our shared human history.

2 early native American tribes from New Hampshire?

the tribes are pennacook and abenaki

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Why weren't dinosaurs and cavemen together?

There was a mass extinction, killing of the dinosaurs before early hominids (humans) came along.

How did early humans make pictures?

early humans painted pictures with caves./

What caused the early humans to establish to form a government?

the early humans had established with a government because the namads had told the early humans to establishe with a government

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chamara silva

What did the early Greeks call humans?

Early (anciant) Greek called humans mortals

Where is a picture of what early humans wore?

Early humans wore animal skins in the cave paintings.