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Q: Why did europeans support the crusades and how did they impact europe?
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What impact did the crusades have on Europe?

the crusades helpef the europeans

How did the Crusades impact the economy of Europe?

how did the crusafes impact the economy of Europe

How did the crusades the economy of Europe?

The impact varied from region to region

What three ways did the crusades have impact on western Europe in the middle ages?


What event happened to expand trade between Europe and the Middle East?

The CRUSADES eventually had this impact.

What impact did his discovery had to do with Europe?

The Europeans deny the land ownership. and right of the treaty

How did the crusades help lead to the creation of modern europes nation states?

the crusades had a major impact on Europeans. goods began to flow more steadily between Europe and the muslin lands. this trade benefited European kings. who taxed the goods that crossed their border. kings also took over land from nobles who left to fight in the crusades. as a result. feudalism gradually withered. and Europe's kingdoms through stronger and larger. many of them later became modern Europe's nation-states.

What was some impacts the crusades had on Europe and the middle east?

The impact of the Crusades on Europe were substantial. Although not its intention, the Crusades stimulated trade with the East. This introduced to Europe luxury goods. Other impacts were as follows: A. The Crusades took pressure off of the Byzantine empire; B. As nobles left their lands in Europe to fight, it allowed kings in Europe and the Church to regain some of their power; C. Religious fraternities such as the Knights Templars began to keep guard on Holy Land activities; and D. Taking heed of financial institutions in the East, the basis of a banking system began to develop in Europe.

What benefits did the crusades bring to Europe?

Crusades had a major impact on the building of castles as many large castles were built across Europe. The crusades were expensive and led to the creation of governmental processes to asses and collect taxes. In turn, this led to the current taxation system that has now been adopted around the world.

What was the significance of the crusades and the impact it had on the west and Muslim societies?

I think that the crusades didn't leave much impact on Muslim societies as it made to the crusaders themselves . they bring with them back to Europe the Islamic foods,Textiles industry and many others things which Europe in these ages of darkness couldn't understand ;so the impact of the Great Islamic civilization could be seen clearly in even in the world of nowadays

What was the impact of the crusades?


What historical impact did the crusades have?
