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Depending on who you ask, you might get different interpretations.

A man might say: Because men are more important, God made them first.

A woman might say: Man was a prototype; the woman was the improved model.

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Different religious beliefs offer various explanations for why men were created first. In some traditions, it is said that men were created first to be leaders and providers, while others view it as a symbolic representation of hierarchy within creation. Ultimately, interpretations vary and are subject to personal or cultural beliefs.

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Q: Why did god invent men first?
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According to the Bible who were the first 3 men on earth?

According to the Bible, the first three men on earth were Adam, Cain, and Abel. Adam was created by God from dust and Eve was created from Adam's rib. Cain and Abel were their sons.

What are the 3 main parts of the apostles creed?

1.The first speaks of the First divine Person and the wonderful work of creation. 2. The second speaks the Second divine person and the mystery of his redemption of men. 3. The final speaks the Third divine Person, the origin and source of our sanctification.

Who was the first person born in the Earth?

AdamHe was the first person God made.ANSWER 2:Possibly a trick question... Since Adam wasn't "born" but according to Judeo-Christian belief was created fully formed, then according to the Bible (and same beliefs), it would have been Adam's firstborn named Cain. Also, he would not have been born IN the earth."In the beginning, God created 'man,'that is, mankind's ancestor-Adam. He was with form and image and full of vitality and vigor, and even more had God's glory with him. That was the glorious day God created man, God created man. Then from Adam was 'roduced 'Eve-who was also the ancestor of man. So, the men God created were full of God's breath and laden with God's glory. So, the men God created were full of God's breath and laden with God's glory."

Who was the first god or goddess ever?

In various mythologies, the concept of a "first god" can differ. However, in many mythologies, a primordial deity, such as Chaos or Gaia, is often considered one of the first beings to emerge at the beginning of creation. These beings are seen as the source of all creation and other gods and goddesses.

Who where three Old Testament men who loved God with all their hearts?

Three Old Testament men who loved God with all their hearts were David, Daniel, and Joshua. They demonstrated their love through their faithfulness, obedience, and unwavering commitment to following God's ways.

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Who said thank you first?

Since God was believed to invent words, I do believe it was Him. .

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God didn't the Nature did. You can't just invent a tree.

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First you must invent it because it is not a feature of the game

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People did not invent God. God has always been.

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He(God for you) didn't.

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No, God did.

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What year did god invent horses?

When God created all the animals

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so we can breathe.

What new god will we invent next to worship?

None. God "cannot" be invented. God either "Is," or "Is Not."

What saying is represented by G P D W M?

i think the first word is god, but after that im lost... Ummm... God plays dice with men? God plays dice with men.

Who invented stuff?

Many inventors have contributed to various inventions throughout history. Some notable inventors include Thomas Edison (light bulb), Alexander Graham Bell (telephone), and Nikola Tesla (alternating current electricity). Inventions are often the result of collaboration, experimentation, and innovation over time.