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Columbus landing started the colonization of the Americas.

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12y ago

Because Columbus landing started the colonization of the Americas.

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13y ago

I think it is because his discovery led to the global recognition of the new world.

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Q: Why do historians consider Columbus to be more important than Leif Ericson?
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Why do historians consider Christopher Columbus to be more important than Lief Ericson?

Because Columbus discovery started the colonization of the Americas.

Why do you have Columbus Day not leif ericson day?

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Before Columbus.

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Leif Ericson beat Columbus to it by about 500 years. Ericson reached north America first. Later, Columbus reached central America, but he never actually reached north America.

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Christopher Columbus? He isn't. America has Christopher Columbus, Canada has Lief Ericson, Cabot, and Cartier.

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Because Columbus landing started the colonization of the Americas.

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Because Columbus landing started the colonization of the Americas.

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Leif Eriksson, some 500 years before Columbus