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Q: Why did hydrogen and helium not remain in the earth's early atmosphere?
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Does the amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere remain constant?

Hydrogen rises above our atmosphere to the outer limit and then gets blown away by 'solar wind'. So it is decreasing.

Does steam from hot water create hydrogen for a helium balloon?

No. Steam is simply water in a gaseous state. The hydrogen and oxygen remain chemically bonded to one another.

What heavier element is created when hydrogen atoms fuse together in the suns core?

Normal "main sequence" stars fuse hydrogen into helium during most of the star's life. The core of a star gets so hot that the hydrogen atoms begin to fuse together. As hydrogen only has 1 proton when if fuses with another hydrogen atom it has 2 protons so has become helium.

What is the sun formed out of?

The Sun is made up mainly of hydrogen, less helium, and small amounts of heavier elements. Four hydrogen atoms fuse to from one helium atom, in this process a lot of energy & heat is released. The sun will remain stable until the whole hydrogen is converted into helium. When the total hydrogen is exhausted energy production stops in its core and thus the core starts shrinking.

How would earths atmosphere be different if organisms capable of photosynthesis not evolved?

It will remain as reductive atmosphere. Ther will be only gases like NH3, H2 , H2S. H2O. There would be no life

If liquid nitrogen freezes everything why is itself a liquid?

liquid nitrogen will not freeze everything. Hydrogen and helium will remain a gas when exposed to liquid nitrogen.

What rock is Sun made from?

The sun is not made of rock. It is made mostly of the gasses hydrogen and helium. The sun is far too hot for anything to remain solid.

Are the sun and other stars made out of rocks and ice?

No. Stars are made mostly of hydrogen and helium and are too hot for any sort of rock or ice to remain solid.

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Hydrogen remain hydrogen.

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Can the sun run out of hydrogen?

Yes. It will eventually. The sun has enough hydrogen in its core to remain as a main sequence star for about 5 billion years. After that it will alternate between fusing helium in its core and hydrogen in a shell around the core for about 2 billions. Then it will shed its outer layers and leave behind a degenerate remnant called a white dwarf.

Does helium contract in cold weather and cause a helium balloon to sink and if warmed will it rise again?

Helium will contract in cold weather, but that may not cause a balloon filled with it to sink since the air will also contract - and by about the same amount - so the relative densities of the helium and the surrounding are would remain about the same and the buoyancy of a helium filled balloon would remain