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Generally the rate of reaction is improved at high temperature.

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Q: Why did ice water react slower than hot water to chalk and vinegar?
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Does Chalk Dissolve in Lemon Juice Vinegar or Water first?

Chalk dissolves first in vinegar, followed by lemon juice, and lastly in water. This is because vinegar is acidic and reacts with the calcium carbonate in chalk to form a soluble calcium salt. Lemon juice, also acidic but less so than vinegar, dissolves chalk at a slower rate. Water alone does not chemically interact with chalk to dissolve it.

How fast does half a stick of chalk dissolve in water?

In order to dissolve chalk in water, vinegar needs to be added. The vinegar has acid in it that eats away at the chalk to dissolve it.

Does water react with vinegar?

Water does not react with vinegar because vinegar is a diluted form of acetic acid dissolved in water. The acetic acid in vinegar can react with certain substances but not with water itself.

Does vinegar and chalk create a chemical reaction?

Yes the chalk is turned into salt and water if there is enough vinegar

What is the chemical reaction to make chalk?

Chalk contains calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Vinegar is acetic acid in water. If you spill vinegar on a piece of chalk, you will see carbon dioxide bubbles with some wetness and a salt called calcium acetate. 2 HC2H3O2 + CaCO3 -> Ca(C2H3O2)2 + CO2 + H2O

Which substance does chalk dissolve fastest in vinegar water or juice?


What kind of reaction do you get when you mix chalk and distilled water?

Chalk doesn't react with pure water.

What three products are formed when chalk is put in vinegar?

When chalk (which is calcium carbonate) is placed in vinegar (which is acetic acid), it will react to produce carbon dioxide gas, water, and calcium acetate. The carbon dioxide gas is the fizzing that you see when the two substances are combined.

Does chalk dust react in water?

not everything will survive all the time. wateris stronger than chalk. now u can understand

Does alka seltezer react to water or vinegar faster?


How should I clean my chalk board?

Clean the chalkboard with warm water and vinegar. After the chalkboard has been wiped with the water and vinegar solution, wipe the board with a dry cloth.

What dissolve chalk?

Chalk is composed of calcium carbonate, which can be dissolved by acids. Common household acids like vinegar or lemon juice can dissolve chalk by reacting with the calcium carbonate to form soluble calcium acetate or calcium citrate, respectively.