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Q: Why did lancelot come to camelot in the movie first knight?
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Who was the actor who played lancelot in the movie?

Which movie? Franco Nero played him in Camelot. Richard Gere played him in First Knight. Nicholas Clay played him in Excalibur. John Cleese played him in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And those are just the ones I know of!

What is the plot of the movie First Knight?

The movie 'First Knight' is based of in the legend of King Arthur. It follows a love triangle between Lancelot, Lady Guinevere and King Arthur, and stars Sean Connery and Richard Gere.

What was the movie starring whoopi goldberg where she goes back to the middle ages?

A knight in Camelot.

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What is Camelot title?

Camelot is the name of Arthur's court. It is also the title of a Broadyway musical and of the movie based on the stageplay.

Where is the setting of the movie Camelot that was made in 1967?

The magic realm of Camelot..... King Arthur,Excalibur. Ring a bell?

What is the Jokers first line of the movie dark knight?

"No, no, no, no, I kill the BUS driver."

Describe Guinevere's personality at the beginning of the movie Camelot?

describe Guinevere

Where can one download the movie Lancelot Link and the Evolution Revolution?

The movie "Lancelot Link and the Evolution Revolution" is available to download from a number of sites, including; You Tube and Prime Wire. It can also be purchased from Amazon and eBay.

What book is the movie quest for camelot based on?

The King's Damsel by Vera Chapman

Who was Joker in Batman?

In the First batman in 1989 it was Jack Nicholson. In the Dark Knight it was Heath Ledger<----The Dark Knight is my favorite movie, i suggest everyone to watch it!

What movie and television projects has Gabriella Csizmadia been in?

Gabriella Csizmadia has: Performed in "Szerelmem Elektra" in 1980. Performed in "A tenger" in 1982. Performed in "Roncsfilm" in 1992. Played Ms. of Wardrobe in "A Knight in Camelot" in 1998. Played Mother in "Exit 0" in 2012.