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They preferred the confederation system in which all states were represented equally.

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Q: Why did new jersey's delegates object to the Virginia Plan?
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Why did the delegates from smaller object to the Virginia Plan?

the feared that large sates would take advantage of everything, based on population

Why did the delegates from smaller states object to the Virginia plan?

the feared that large sates would take advantage of everything, based on population

Define the word virginia plan?

Also referred to as the Randolph Plan, was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. It was written by James Madison.

Who is idea was the Virginia Plan?

The Virginia Plan, also known as the Rudolph Plan or the Large-State Plan, was proposed by Virginia delegates and drafted by James Madison.

Who introduced the Virginia Plan to the delegates at the convention?


What two plans of government did delegates consider?

the new jersey plan and the virginia plan

Constitutional convention delegates voted for a national government based what?

Virginia plan

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to base the Constitution on the?

replace the articles of confederation with an entirely new document. apex

Constitutional convention delegates who were in favour of a less involved federal government most likely supported?

new jersey plan

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to base the Constitution on the drafted by James Madison?

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to base the Constitution on the Virginia Plan, which was drafted by James Madison. The Virginia Plan called for a strong central government with separate branches and a bicameral legislature. Madison's plan heavily influenced the structure and principles of the Constitution.

Virginia Plan is a plan protected by delegates from Virginia at the constitutional convention called for a 3 branch government with a bicameral legislative in which each state's ........ True Or False?


Who wrote most of Virgina plan?

It was proposed by the Virginia delegates but was mainly written by James Madison.