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Truth is he didn't. In the movies they were just to lazy to keep him... I wish they had... *sigh*

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Q: Why did nightcrawler leave the X-Men?
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What happened to nightcrawler in the xmen comics?

He died in X-men legacy.

What power does azazel from xmen have?

Azazel has the power to teleport just like Nightcrawler can, except that Nightcrawler is blue not red. hope this helped.

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Brimstone. When Nightcrawler teleports he actually moves through another dimension where the air is mostly comprised of brimstone smoke.

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watch xmen animated series season 3 episode 13. it shows a woman changing into mystique holding baby nightcrawler. they r runnig away from an angry mob.

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Azazel is one of the Fallen Angels. His name mean God Strenghthens.

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When was European nightcrawler created?

European nightcrawler was created in 1890.

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Sabretooth has the physical fighting advantage, but Beast has the mental advantage. In most fights Sabretooth would win, but the odd time Beast would be able to trick Sabretooth and beat him.

When was Nightcrawler - album - created?

Nightcrawler - album - was created on 2006-08-29.

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