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Q: Why did people refer to the serpent as the tempter?
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What actors and actresses appeared in The Tempter - 1913?

The cast of The Tempter - 1913 includes: Leedham Bantock as The Gambler Alfred de Manby as The Devil

What is the duration of The Magic Serpent?

The duration of The Magic Serpent is 1.57 hours.

When was The Feathered Serpent - UK TV series - created?

The Feathered Serpent - UK TV series - was created in 1976.

What is the duration of The Feathered Serpent UK TV series?

The duration of The Feathered Serpent - UK TV series - is 1800.0 seconds.

Who wrote the serpent and the rope?

Raja Rao

Related questions

Why do you think some people refer to the serpent as the tempter?

because in the bible the serpent was the devil and tied to tempt adam and eve

Why do you think some people refer to the serpent the temper?

Some people refer to the serpent as the tempter because it is commonly associated with deception and cunning, as in the story of the serpent tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Bible. The serpent is often seen as a symbol of temptation and seduction, leading people astray from what is considered right or moral.

WHY is the tempter a serpent?

Snakes are always seen with negative connotations. They are seen as sneaky--they do slither and that can catch people and animals off guard. That might be partly why the tempter is serpent (a kind of snake).

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the tempter of pluto is

How can you use tempter in a sentence?

I see the tempter..

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what is state of matter room tempter

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the lowest tempter in Wisconsin was -220 degrees

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In the play "Macbeth," the term "lexical choice serpent" could refer to the way in which language and vocabulary are used to manipulate and deceive, similar to how a serpent (snake) acts in the biblical story of Adam and Eve. It suggests that words are chosen carefully to shape perceptions and outcomes, much like the cunning and deceptive nature of a serpent.

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The oil capacity for the GR650 Tempter is 2.8L.

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