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Many rejected Jesus as He lay dying on the cross because they assumed this was the end of someone they had mistakenly thought to be an earthly king only a week before. They had a mistaken view of His kingship. Many of His followers had fled out of fear that they would receive the same punishment. All of them did not foresee the Resurrection.

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People turned their back on Jesus on the day he died because they were swayed by societal and political pressures, fear of repercussions, and misunderstanding of his teachings. Additionally, some may have felt disillusioned when their expectations of a triumphant leader were not met.

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What three kinds of messiah did sattan tempt Jesus to be?

Satan tempted Jesus to be a political messiah who would use power to conquer nations, a miracle-working messiah who would perform grand acts to prove his identity, and a self-serving messiah who would prioritize personal gain over fulfilling his divine mission. Jesus resisted these temptations by staying true to his purpose as the sacrificial Lamb of God.

What did Pontius Pilate and Herod Antipas have to do with the death of Jesus?

Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, sentenced Jesus to crucifixion after being pressured by religious leaders who accused Jesus of blasphemy. Herod Antipas, ruler of Galilee, was involved indirectly as he sent Jesus back to Pilate for trial after initially questioning him. Both Pilate and Herod played roles in the events leading to Jesus' crucifixion.

What are three things Jesus refused in the desert?

In the King James version In Matthew 4 # Satan came to Jesus when he was fasting and tempted him to turn stones to bread. # Satan took Jesus to the top of the temple in Jereusalem and tempted him to jump off, saying that angels would protect him. # Next Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would worship Satan.

Why does Jesus wait to come back?

Christians believe that Jesus is waiting to come back in order to fulfill certain prophecies and to give people more time to repent and turn to him. It is seen as an act of mercy and grace, giving people the opportunity to be saved before the final judgment. Additionally, some believe that Jesus is waiting for the perfect moment determined by God's plan.

Why did Simon Peter follow Jesus?

Simon Peter followed Jesus because Jesus called him to be his disciple, and Peter was drawn to Jesus' teachings and presence. Peter recognized Jesus as the Messiah and experienced firsthand the power and love of Jesus in his life. He was also inspired to follow Jesus by witnessing the miracles and witnessing Jesus' compassion for others.

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