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Q: Why did the American people fear communism in the 1950s?
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How is The Crucible a metaphore for the Fear of communisn in the 1950's?

What is the term that describes the fear of Communist influence in the 1950s?

The second Red Scare

How did American show their fear of communism?

Americans showed the fear of communism thorough the McCarthy trials. The trials tried many innocent people for fear they supported communism. Students practiced duck and cover drills in case of raids.

The red Scare of the late 1940s and the 1950s was the fear that?

The Red Scare was the promotion of the fear of communism and radical left politics spreading widely.

The Red Scare of the late 1940s and the 1950s was the fear that .?

The Red Scare was the promotion of the fear of communism and radical left politics spreading widely.

How did the fear of communism impact American society?

The Red Scare of the 1950's left American people distrusting acquaintances. Fear of communism allowed for an acceptable perception of federal scrutiny.

What did Americans fear during the 1905s?

Americans were very worried about the threat of Communism in the 1950s. This fear was so prevalent at the time that the 1950s are often called the time of the "Red Scare."

Why was there so much fear of communism in America in 1950?

In the 1940s and 1950s, Americans had a cultural hysteria about the Soviet threat.

WHat was the american attitude towards communism in the 1950's?

Extremehostility and fear

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