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The Americans had to pay taxes to the British because the British started the colonies to get profit from it.

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Q: Why did the British American have to pay taxes?
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to make British people to pay for their taxes

How do you use taxes in sentence?

Most Americans hate having to pay taxes. American colonists revolted because of British taxes.

Why did British believe it was necessary to raise taxes on the American colonists?

The British raised taxes in the American colonies to pay for the fighting of the French and Indian war. They also expected colonists to pay for their own defense from the continued threat of Indians. Colonists were outraged by the taxes, and some began to organize protests

Why was British-American tension seen as a cause of war?

Americans did not want to have to pay taxes to the british

What did the British impose taxes on?

The British taxed on paper,glass, ext.

Why did the colonists believe that they did not have to pay British taxes?

They believed thy didn't have to pay British taxes because they were the colonists after all

Why did the British believe it was necessary to raise taxes on the Americans?

The British raised taxes in the American colonies to pay for the fighting of the French and Indian war. They also expected colonists to pay for their own defense from the continued threat of Indians. Colonists were outraged by the taxes, and some began to organize protests

What taxes do puerto ricans pay?

they pay American federal taxes

Why did the British imposed new taxes on the American colonists?

Britain imposed new taxes on the American colonists in order to pay for the French and Indian War (also known as the Seven years war.) The British government felt that because the war was fought to protect the colonies, they should pay for some of the war.

Why did the American colonist object to the taxes the British parliament levied on sugar and other staple good?

The American colonists objected to British taxes because they were being forced to pay money to the Crown, and at the same time had no say in the British Parliament. This is where the phrase "no taxation without representation" comes from.

Why did the American colonists objects to taxes the british parliament levied on sugar and other staple goods?

The American colonists objected to British taxes because they were being forced to pay money to the Crown, and at the same time had no say in the British Parliament. This is where the phrase "no taxation without representation" comes from.

Which act by the British government caused the American colonists to write the Declaration of Independence and separate from Great Britain?

requirement that the colonists pay taxes on British goods