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On August 24-25, 1814, in a raid known as the Burning of Washington, British forces invaded the capital during the War of 1812. The Capitol, Treasury, and White House were burned and gutted during the attack.

Historians assert that the attack was in retaliation for the American looting of York, Upper Canada (now Toronto) after the Battle of York in 1813, and the burning down of the Parliament Buildings of Upper Canada. The British Army commanders said they chose to attack Washington "on account of the greater political effect likely to result,"

On August 24, 1814, the advance guard of British troops made a march to Capitol Hill. General Robert Ross sent a party under a flag of truce to agree to terms, but they were attacked by partisans from a house at the corner of Maryland Avenue, Constitution Avenue, and Second Street NE. This was to be the only resistance the soldiers met. The house was burned, and the Union Flag raised over Washington.

The reason the British were able to capture Washington DC, was that they had superior arms and a larger force of armed men.

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Q: Why did the British army burn Washington D.C.?
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When did the British burn and destroy dc?

In 1814, and Dolly Madison save the portrait of George Washington.

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The 2 Important Buildings British Burned In Washington DC was:The CapitolThe White House

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I know that during the war of 1812 British came to Washington DC. with a treaty but before the general could ask if Madison would sign it he got shot by some men in a near by building. The men were found and killed, after that the British army decided to burn down every government involved building in Washington DC. including the White House, That wasn't finished.

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