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According to The Bible, Lucifer (the devil) left heaven because he was jealous of God's power and knowledge. The devil wanted to have that power for himself and turned against God. This is why the devil left heaven. The Bible then describes the devil as trying to corrupt Christians and he preached about God's alleged abuse of power and questioned why there is evil in the world if God has the power to stop it.

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The devil wanted a world where we didn't have a choice in our actions and so spoke against God, who wanted a world where we can make our own choices.

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Q: Why did the devil rebel against god?
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The devil was not "made." The Scriptural account is that the devil was originally created by God as one of His many good angels. A rebellion against God amongst the angels occurred - the leader of whom is the devil. The good angel was indeed made by God, but the devil (as he now is) was not made by God.

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You remember devil after committing sin that you know or after doing something against God teachings and commands.

Who was the first to rebel against God's word?

Lucifer was considered the first being to ever rebel against the Lord's word in favor of his own greed. The Bible dictates talks sometimes of his arrogance and jealousy of God. As iniquity was found in his heart his desire became to raise himself above God and try to be the most high. Revelation speaks briefly about his initial rebellion stating that Michael and his troops come out victorious against the Devil(The Red Dragon) and his troops. His actions were an outright revolt against God's Word as He clearly states to have no other God's before Him and to Love God over all else. Lucifer wanted to worship himself as a god and he was willing to disrespect and defile to do it. Consequently self-worship is something often taught in many satanic and new age religions to this day. Eve was the first Human being to ever rebel against the Lord's Word. Transgression is considered a form of rebellion or biting your thumb at the Lord. Although she was tricked into disobeying God's commandment she still went ahead and did it contrary to orders. Adam became the second Human being to rebel against God.

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People should not rebel against Gods command to multiply and fill the Earth. The bible clearly says rebellion is a sin.

Does God make bad people?

The Bible's Answer:Genesis 1:31 - "After that God saw everythinghe had made, and look! it was very good."God gave both the angelic creatures and humans free will. Even the devil was described as ""the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty" in a parallel at Ezekiel 28:12. In verses 15-17 it describes how the devil eventually became haughty and used his free will to rebel against God. He then also got humans to rebel against God as well. Since then, we have been "born in sin", or in other words, born with a defect. (Romans 5:12)The Bible says that God did not make bad people but gave us free will. Many humans have used that free will to practice what is bad.

Are there temptations in heaven?

no >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, if there are no temptations in Heaven, Why did former Angel Lucifer was tempted to rebel against God?

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rebel is a person who goes against his/her superiors. A rebel soldier would rebel against his/her country's army or organization. MistroJoe