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Well from what i have researched the trouble in Ireland stem from the fact that the british empire assaulted conquered and forced its ways on the Irish people, through manipulation fighting and pitting county against county the britished used and abused Ireland for a it wasn't until recently that they separated north from the south, and even then in northern Ireland(the british held part) they restricted the true Irish by segrigating and out right killing the Irish catholic population. the british started groups like the UDR that killed catholics before the IRA even thought of killing the british(who were mainly protastant) i cant remember the date or location but something like 350 northern Irish were captured and sent to jail, with about 98% of them catholics in northern Ireland in which catholics make up 35% of the population. so to answer your quest it was british invaders that started the war

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12y ago
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15y ago

The signing of the treaty between Ireland and England. In early 1922, British troops began to pull out from Ireland, handing over their garrisons to the Irish Volunteers. The Volunteers split into those who supported the treaty who were the "Free State Army" under the leadership of Michael Collins and those who were against the treaty and became known as "the irregulars". In March 1922, the anti-treaty forces seized The Four Courts and other buildings in Dublin. On 27 June 1922, The Free State Army bombarded The Four Courts and its defenders were forced to surrender. The Civil War had begun.

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13y ago

this is a very complex matter but in brief - a Treaty had been signed with the British to divide Ireland, with 26 counties becoming independent and 6 remaining in the UK. In the south many people disagreed with this and opposed the new Government and fighting broke out.

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16y ago

Basically, the Irish republican brother hood and other similar orgs were united in the cause of ending British rule. This was accomplished primarily under the leadership of Michael Collins.

The treaty with Britain, which Collins chose to accept, was that the Irish swear allegiance to the King/Queen of England. This was simply an empty gesture in the mind of Collins.Also, Britain would remain in N. Ireland or Ulster.

Hard line republicans, like de valera and the IRA, refused to swear any oath and were agaist giving up Ulster as part of the republic.

This was the basis of the civil war. The IRA killed Michael Collins, which is a tragic irony. The civil war was unbelievably damaging to the efforts toward seeting up the republic.

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12y ago

People in Ireland decided they no longer wanted their country ruled by Another Country, they wanted their country to be an independent democratic state. The War of Independence started because the Irish people wanted their country back.

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10y ago

On the 28th of June 1922. It finished on the 24th of May 1923.

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12y ago

because obama died and went off with david cameron

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