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Q: Why did the Naismith not kill people with hydrogen cyanide in open air?
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Did Hitler use cyanide to kill Jews?

Yes, hydrogen cyanide.

What pill kill 7 people in 1982?

You are referring to the cyanide that was substituted in Tylenol capsules. The Tylenol did not kill anyone, the cyanide it had been substituted with did.

Can hydrogen cyanide kill you?

Yes, exposure to hydrogen cyanide can be lethal. It interferes with the body's ability to utilize oxygen, leading to asphyxiation. Even low levels of exposure can be dangerous and potentially fatal.

The name of the gas that was used to kill jews?

Zyklon B, a brand name for a form of Hydrogen Cyanide

What powder was used in the gas chamber to kill the Jews?

Hydrogen cyanide or Zyklon B as it was called.

Does cyanide always kill people?

Yes, cyanide is a highly toxic substance that can be fatal to humans if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. It interferes with the body's ability to use oxygen, causing cellular suffocation. Even small amounts of cyanide can be deadly.

Can potassium cyanide kill when placed on wounds?

Yes, potassium cyanide can be absorbed through the skin and cause poisoning if placed on wounds. It can interfere with the body's ability to use oxygen, leading to severe health consequences, including death. It is a highly toxic substance and should never be handled without proper safety precautions.

Do apples contain cyanide?

Yes there is cyanide in apple seeds but it would take many to kill you.

Can cyanide kill you?

Yes it is extremely toxic.

Will cyanide in contact with tongue cause death?

A mere 300 mcg of cyanide could kill a man.

What pill did Hitler kill himself with?

cyanide poison..................

How did hitler kill himseft?

Cyanide poisoning and a bullet.