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they only persecuted those minority groups that they considered to be anti-social, deviant or criminal.

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Q: Why did the Nazi's persecute minority groups in Germany?
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Related questions

How many minority groups did the Nazis persecute?

Have a look at the related question, which lists the main groups. It's hard to give a precise number as many smaller groups were added, for example, people who were encouraging Esperanto!

How did the Nazis persecute the disabled?

they deined them the right to live.

Why did Adolph Hitler and Nazis persecute Jewish Germans?

To begin with the Nazis were obviously antisemitic (hated Jews) so under the rule of Hitler the Nazis attempted to completely exterminate Jews. Nazis also killed any and all people who threatened Hitler's power, this is where they started killing religious figures. Because the Church was a part of the state he killed and controlled priests and the pope. They also killed retarded people, Gypsies, black people, and just about anyone who was different - just for the fun of it. Also, the Nazis prosecuted the Jews because they thought they were superior.

Who did the Nazis persecute during World War 2?

The Nazis persecuted the Jews During WWII

Who did Adolf Hitler and the Nazis persecute?

Non-"aryans":jewsblacksgypsiesmentally illslavic peoplechristianscommunistsetc.

Did the Nazis occupy Germany?

I think you are confused. The Nazis were German. They were from Germany.

How many Nazi was there before the holocaust worldwide?

Nazis were a political party, as such they were only in Germany before the war, but the Nazis did sponsor like minded groups in America and Britain, amongst others.

What minority groups were being followed by the Nazis?

The Jews mainly, and other people that didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler was against anyone that was not of pure Aryan race.

Was Germany occupied by the Nazis?

Yes, it was occupied by the Nazis

Was Nazis occupied by Germany?

Yes, it was occupied by the Nazis

Where did the Nazis come from?

National Socialist Party of Germany post WW 1Germany.The Nazis were from Germany

Did Nazis persecute women and children?

Yes, the Nazi's brutally killed any Jews, regardless of age or gender.